Nary a week into 2006 and already a scandal, this one of potentially huge proportions. Not that we weren't ready for one. 2005 gave us some would-be scandals, most of which lacked size and scope and hence staying power.
But now, thanks to
Mr. Jack Abramoff, we've got ourselves a scandal, and what may prove to be a big congressional shakedown, the likes of which we have not yet seen in our generation.
A little corruption goes a long way. Abramoff, a hot-dog Washington lobbyist, had dealings with many in congress, and connections up the whazoo; there's no telling how high the trail of dog-doo may lead. Abramoff has already pleaded guilty to three felony charges: defrauding Native American tribes of millions of dollars; bribing government officials; and evading taxes. He's also being implicated for mail fraud.
He'll also make court appearances in Florida for a
second string of felony charges.The man is a complete schmuck. Some would say, a
rat.But, then, there is a culture of corruption in Washington. Even practices that may conform to the letter of the law may still be wildly unethical and fundamentally undemocratic. The whole lobbying enterprise in Washington is based on money. Vast sums of money are spent on lobbying, and what does that money do? It helps ensure that these monied causes get what they want. The more money, the more agressive the lobbying. The more agressive the lobbying, the higher the likelihood of success. At bottom, money buys influence. As long as Washington operates this way, democracy is just a word. Those without the financial resources to back them up are shit out of luck when it comes to winning hearts and minds on Capitol hill. Perhaps Abramoff should be
commended for playing the game so well.Abramoffukkah, as the
Wonkette calls it, has begun, and everyone in Washington from congressional staffers to the Bush team is checking themselves and doing damage control:
Quick! Ditch the money!It's going to be quite an eventful new year in Washington.