Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It's True - Iraqi Lives Are Worthless

Kill an Iraqi prisoner and you won't even get jailtime, just a slap on the wrist, a "reprimand."

The veil is lifted: We've stopped pretending Iraqi lives are worth anything.

No wait, I mispoke. Iraqi lives are worth something:

Jurors opted for no prison time and imposed a $6,000 fine and restricted him to work, his place of worship and barracks for 60 days, the Associated Press reported.

Not much, but something. What's strange is that it's much better to kill an Iraqi prisoner than to torture, sexually abuse, or otherwise humiliate and dehumanize an Iraqi prisoner. Some of the soldiers implicated in the Abu Ghraib torture scandal received far harsher sentences, as many as 10 years in one case.

Read about it in the Washington Post.


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