Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Sinclair Syndicate

Sinclair is at it again.

[Sinclair] has ordered its 62 television stations...to air a documentary critical of Sen. John Kerry’s antiwar activities after his return from Vietnam more than three decades ago.

The 41-minute film "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal" is to be shown on stations owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group barely a week before the election.

Just in case you're not sure who were talking about here, they're the ones who "ordered some of [their] stations not to show a 'Nightline' segment in which host Ted Koppel read the names of U.S. military personnel killed in Iraq, calling it 'contrary to the public interest.' "

According to the company profile on its website, "Sinclair's television group includes 20 FOX, 19 WB, 6 UPN, 8 ABC, 3 CBS, 4 NBC affiliates and 2 independent stations and reaches approximately 24% of all U.S. television households."

The program in question is supposed to make the case that Kerry is no friend to soldiers and POWs. After all, he was criticizing the war they were fighting by daring to relay first-hand accounts of the atrocities some of 'our boys' were committing in Vietnam. Shame on him.

The only problem - for Kerry - is that he has since backed down from the brashness of his youth, saying that his harsh language about atrocities was a bit "over the top." Not only that, there seems to be some truth to the claim that he abandoned POWs in Vietnam. The Village Voice actually ran a piece about this a while back.

So what we have here is a blatant example of a partisan media conglomerate flexing its muscle to ensure that Bush wins in November. And who can defend that?

But who will defend Kerry if at least some of the charges against him are true?


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