Friday, October 08, 2004

The Art of Denial

Ok, so here's the headline in the New York Times: "Cheney: Weapons Report Justifies Iraq War."

The only problem is that the report in question says "Saddam Hussein's government produced no weapons of mass destruction after 1991."


Think of it: you march into someone's house. You have 'intelligence' suggesting the head-honcho there has weapons of mass destruction. You think they've got some pretty nasty chef's knives. You're worried for your safety, you trash the place. You're thorough, you kill the women and children. Then you learn that there never were any weapons in the house, no knives there. But, you say, the man there was 'going to' get some knives, or at least he had the potential to get some, well, he had the potential to intend to get some knives.

So what is Cheney saying when he says no WMD "justifies" the Iraq War?

WTF, mate!!


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